查看完整版本: DBA的工作列表上写了些什么

admin 发表于 2014-10-13 15:00:49


       数据库管理员(DBA)的主要工作  启动和关闭数据库
  一) 启动数据库
  $ svrmgrl
  SVRMGR> connect internal (实例启动)
  SVRMGR> startup
  二) 关闭数据库
  $ svrmgrl
  SVRMGR> connect internal
  SVRMGR> shutdown
  immediate:正在访问数据库的会话被完全终止、资源有序释放后才关闭 数据库。
  abort: 会话立即中止,数据库立即关闭。
  一) 逻辑备份与恢复(即卸库与装库)
  1. 卸库:export
  $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
  $ exp
  Username: cwadmin
  Connected to: Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release - Production
  PL/SQL Release - Production
  Enter array fetch buffer size: 4096 >
  Export file: expdat.dmp >pzexdat.dmp
  (1) E(ntire database), (2)U(sers), or (3)T(ables): (2)U >1
  Export grants (yes/no): yes >y
  Export table data (yes/no): yes >y
  Compress extents (yes/no): yes >y
  export 工作开始自动进行最终出现:
  Export terminated successfully without warnings.
  带参数,可选参数如下(可用exp help=y 得到):
  Keyword Description (Default) Keyword Description (Default)
  USERID username/password FULL export entire file (N)
  BUFFER size of data buffer OWNER list of owner usernames
  FILE output file (EXPDAT.DMP) TABLES list of table names
  COMPRESS import into one extent (Y) RECORDLENGTH length of IO record
  GRANTS export grants (Y) INCTYPE incremental export type
  INDEXES export indexes (Y) RECORD track incr. export (Y)
  ROWS export data rows (Y) PARFILE parameter filename
  CONSTRAINTS export constraints (Y) CONSISTENT cross-table consistency
  LOG log file of screen output STATISTICS analyze objects (ESTIMATE)
  DIRECT direct path (N)
  FEEDBACK display progress every x rows (0)
  POINT_IN_TIME_RECOVER Tablespace Point-in-time Recovery (N)
  RECOVERY_TABLESPACES List of tablespace names to recover
  VOLSIZE number of bytes to write to each tape volume
  例:$exp userid=cwadmin/cwadmin tables=‘(sys_cwxx,sys_menu)’ file=pzexport.dmp
  $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
  $ imp
  Username: cwadmin
  Connected to: Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release - Production
  PL/SQL Release - Production
  Import file: expdat.dmp >pzexdat.dmp
  Enter insert buffer size (minimum is 4096) 30720> 10240
  Export file created by EXPORT:V08.00.04 via conventional path
  List contents of import file only (yes/no): no >
  Ignore create error due to object existence (yes/no): no >y
  Import grants (yes/no):yes >y
  Import table data (yes/no):yes >y
  Import entire export file (yes/no):no >y
  import 工作开始自动进行最终出现:
  Import terminated successfully with warnings.
  带参数,可选参数如下(可用imp help=y 得到):
  Keyword Description (Default) Keyword Description (Default)
  USERID username/password FULL import entire file (N)
  BUFFER size of data buffer FROMUSER list of owner usernames
  FILE input file (EXPDAT.DMP) TOUSER list of usernames
  SHOW just list file contents (N) TABLES
  list of table names
  IGNORE ignore create errors (N) RECORDLENGTH length of IO record
  GRANTS import grants (Y) INCTYPE incremental import type
  INDEXES import indexes (Y) COMMIT commit array insert (N)
  ROWS import data rows (Y) PARFILE parameter filename
  LOG log file of screen output
  DESTROY overwrite tablespace data file (N)
  INDEXFILE write table/index info to specified file
  CHARSET character set of export file (NLS_LANG)
  POINT_IN_TIME_RECOVER Tablespace Point-in-time Recovery (N)
  SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES skip maintenance of unusable indexes (N)
  ANALYZE execute ANALYZE statements in dump file (Y)
  FEEDBACK display progress every x rows(0)
  VOLSIZE number of bytes in file on each volume of a file on tape
  例:$imp userid=cwadmin/cwadmin tables=‘(sys_dwxx, sys_menu)’ file=pzexdat.dmp
  二) 物理备份与恢复
  1. 冷备份与热备份
  (1)可通过:SVRMGR> select * from v$logfile;
  select * from v$dbfile;
  select * from v$control.file;
  (2)利用$cp 命令来拷贝:
  例:$cp /u01/u02/pz_ts.ora /dbfile_b/
  可利用SVRMGR> archive log list 语句来查归档日志状态
  SVRMGR> connect internal
  SVRMGR> shutdown immediate ——关闭数据库——
  SVRMGR> startup mount ——为暂停日志方式转换准备数据库——
  SVRMGR> alter database archivelog; ——转换——
  SVRMGR> alter database open; ——打开数据库——
  1> 将一个表空间置为备份方式
  SVRMGR> alter tablespace pzts begin backup;
  2> 拷贝
  SVRMGR>$cp /u01/u02/pz_ts.ora /dbfile_b/
  3> 取消该表备份方式
  SVRMGR>alter tablespace pzts end backup;
  4> 拷贝控制文件
  5> 拷贝归档重演日志
  (1) 将驻留在磁盘上的备份拷贝到其他磁盘或磁带上
  (2) 执行
  SVRMGR> connect internal
  SVRMGR> startup mount
  SVRMGR> alter database open;
  SVRMGR> recover database
  SVRMGR>alter database open
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查看完整版本: DBA的工作列表上写了些什么