标题: 在高温超导滤波器后级的低温低噪声放大器的设计和调试方法 [打印本页] 作者: admin 时间: 2014-10-11 13:35 标题: 在高温超导滤波器后级的低温低噪声放大器的设计和调试方法 Low Noise Amplifier in HTS System 摘要: 低噪声放大器是微波通讯系统中非常重要的功能器件。本文研究了使用在高温超导滤波器后级的低温低噪声放大器的设计和调试方法。总结了综合功率匹配,驻波匹配和噪声匹配的设计思路。同时针对低温下(70K)由于晶体管S参数的变化导致放大器性能和常温相比有很大改变的情况,利用Smith圆图和可调微带电容帮助调试,并研制了频带为1.9GHz-2GHz的低温低噪声放大器。其增益大于18dB,输入输出反射损耗小于-20dB,噪声低于0.5dB。 关键词: 超导滤波器系统; 低温特性; 匹配网络 Abstract: A method was presented to design and fabricate a Low Noise Amplifier(LNA) which works in high temperature superconducting System at low temperature (70K). The design methodology integrates the aspects of noise matching, impedance matching, gain matching and linearity matching. The LNA performances have a remarkable change due to the S parameters deviation of transistor in cryogenic temperature. Smith chat and adjustable microstrip capacitance are used to debug these deviations is discussed and in cryogenic temperature the LNA achieved a power gain of 18dB, a maximum noise figure of 0.5dB, and input and output return loss of better than -20dB within the bandwidth 1.9GHz-2GHz. Key words: superconducting System; cryogenic performance; matching circuit
EEACC: 1220
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