select af.keynode into kn from APPFOUNDATION af where af.appid=aid and af.foundationid=fid;-- 有into,正确编译
select af.keynode from APPFOUNDATION af where af.appid=aid and af.foundationid=fid;-- 没有into,编译报错,提示:Compilation
Error: PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this Select statement
3.在利用select...into...语法时,必须先确保数据库中有该条记录,否则会报出"no data found"异常。
可以在该语法之前,先利用select count(*) from 查看数据库中是否存在该记录,如果存在,再利用select...into...
select keynode into kn from APPFOUNDATION where appid=aid and foundationid=fid;-- 正确运行
select af.keynode into kn from APPFOUNDATION af where af.appid=appid and af.foundationid=foundationid;-- 运行阶段报错,提示
orA-01422:exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
create table A(
id varchar2(50) primary key not null,
vcount number(8) not null,
bid varchar2(50) not null -- 外键
select sum(vcount) into fcount from A where bid='xxxxxx';如果A表中不存在bid="xxxxxx"的记录,则fcount=null(即使fcount定义时设置了默认值,如:fcount number(8):=0依然无效,fcount还是会变成null),这样以后使用fcount时就可能有问题,所以在这里最好先判断一下: