- '----------------------------------- ----------------------------
- Function ReqNum ( StrName ) /* 数值型变量过滤 */
- ReqNum = Request ( StrName )
- if Not isNumeric ( ReqNum ) then
- Response.Write "参数必须为数字型!" Response.End
- End if
- End Function
- Function ReqStr ( StrName ) /*字符型和搜索型过滤 */
- ReqStr = Replace ( Request(StrName), "'", "''" ) /* 用replace函数屏蔽单引号 */
- End Function
- 以下三句SQL语句,说明一下调用方法:
- 1.SQL="select * from dv_admin where username=" & ReqNum("username")2.SQL="select * from
- dv_admin where username ='" &
- ReqStr(" username ") & "'" 3.SQL="select * from username where UserName like '%" & ReqStr
- (" username ") & "%'"
- 12、若想更换SQL Server 的执行服务账号,则该帐号需要以下的权限:
- Log On Locally
- Log On as a Batch
- Access this computer from the Network
- Log on as service
- Replace a process level token
- Act as part of the operating system
- Increase quotas
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