5 结束语
本文讨论了UMTS无线接入网络的IP传输承载技术。 随着HSDPA/HSUPA的商用和数据业务的增长,对IP传输的需求将更加强烈。UMTS的下一步LTE(长期演进),即E3G标准将基于IP传输。
[ 1 ] GET/Institut National des T?el?ecommunication, Transport in UMTS Radio Access Network : IP versus AAL2/ATM. paper in http://www-rst.int-evry.fr/~samhat/paperwcnc.pdf
[ 2 ] 杨景,黄晓庆,《多媒体、集群化:下一代业务的发展趋势》,现代电信科技,3G市场观察专刊,Sept, 2003
[ 3 ] 3GPP 25.933 version540 IP transport in UTRAN
[ 4 ] RFC 791 Internet Protocol
[ 5 ] RFC 2475: An Architecture for Differentiated Services (DiffServ)
[ 6 ] RFC 2474 Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers
[ 7 ] RFC 2661 Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)
[ 8 ] RFC 1661 The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
[ 9 ] RFC 3153 PPP Multiplexing
[ 10 ] RFC 2960 Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)
[ 11 ] IP UTRAN研究,编写人:常疆,刘俊强,姜波。青岛朗讯科技通讯设备有限公司,信息产业部电信研究院
[ 12 ] RFC 1889 A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications (RTP)